


Well has machines or the schemes or the plot things, what are the skills of the devil? The skills of the devil, he has machinations. And this is what this word of God was was highlighted constantly. So as I began to look at what is machinations, the plot chains, the scheme means the trickeries and so there are a series of machines when the Bible says that no weapon from the gangs we maybe just call that but the weapons are machines. They are machinations and I want us to break through would have shed on it maybe by God’s grace with the chair this Thursday, but build up we have to break through today. Today, we’re in session. But the machinations of the kingdom of darkness is that there are Wilds you know that already? There whilst of the devil Bible courses, there are plots of the devil. There are schemes or the schemes of the devil. There is deception. There is craftiness, there is lies, there is intimidation, there is manipulation. There is fear, there is torment. These are all machinations. The devil. See, they are all machines, but the devil. But I want to shut down windows to shut down his machines. We want to shut down every machinations of darkness, every machinations of DNA, in the name of the Lord Jesus, every machinations of the enemy. We want to shut it down by the power of the Holy Spirit. That every machine that had been set up works in the name of the Lord Jesus, in the kingdom of darkness is important. They plot crafty, they lie in wait to deceive, efficiency will ever exist. They lie in wait to deceive the lie in wait. So anything that has been position lying in wait waiting for us that has been schemed that has been orchestrated lying in wait to hatch waiting to happen, waiting to come or those that are just waiting. They are the people that sit back and they’re waiting to see these are part of the platoons of the enemy, the platoons of darkness. And so Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, we want to lift our voice is we wrestle not against flesh. We wrestle not against blood, but against the machinations of the devil, in the name of the Lord Jesus in so we pray, and Lord, we command and we we we nullify every machine that have been set up in the name of the Lord Jesus, we come against the machinations of darkness, the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus