



1 John 3:8 – For this reason the son of man was mad manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil

It is so that God can exercise Government in your life.

Salvation is the first step and the platform upon which God can exercise his government. It is without that God cannot exercise government in the life of the mad who is not saved.

1 Corinthians 2:14

The natural man receives not the things of God neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. That is Government. Government is spiritual. It is one of the complexities of God and he seeks to furnish that upon our heart.

John 14:23 – Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him

He come to make his abode and the making of the abode is the Process of ESTABLISHING GOVERNEMTN UPON YOUR HEART

Now I want you to understand that ESTABLISHING HIS GOVERNMENT AND ESTABLISHING GOVERNEMENT are 2 different thing

One is intended at SALVATION, the second is intended as PROGRESSIVE RELATIONSHIP. The first is meant to lead to the second even though both are intended to be achieved at the same time


1 Corinthins 1:30 – “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:”

  • WISDOM – Sophia
  • RIGHTEOUSNESS – He made him to be sin for us who kne no sin. The ability to produce the God kind of living. Righteousness produces in us the God Kind of Lifestyle
  • SANCTIFICATION – Consecration, separated, purity, set apartness,
  • REDEMPTION – Apolutrosis, meaing riddance, salvation, deliverance
  • GLORY – God, the actually definition of Glory is God. Because it is only in God can we actually define glory. Glory is in the God realm not in the man realm

Romans says for all have sinned an fallen short of the Glory of God

Because God government is not a physical government. It’s a spiritual government

It was Jesus who said, in my Kingdom is not of this world

John 18:33 – 37

For to this end I came into the World. The purpose of his coming was to establish Government

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Its on this premise that I want to talk to you this morning because until we understand government

Our relationship with God will remain in the infancy stages.

The bible says, the heir as long as he’s a child different not from a servant or a slave event though he’s been brought in to share in the Lordship of the son of God.

Now someone may say Pastor aren’t your blaspheming that we are to share in the Lordship of the son of God. Understand that this sharing in his lordship is only for those who are submitted to government which is his LORDSHIP.

It is in this place that you can exercise authority

There are those who have received him as Saviour but are not fully submitted to his lordship over their Lives and this is what the Jews were looking for.

That the messiah will come and deliver them from the romans – In act 1

To know him as Lord is going to take a consistent daily walk with Him.

You see to know him as LORD, Adonai is higher than to know him as a SAVIOUR. Because in LORDSHIP you have absolute trust that he’s God over everything.

He seeks to awaken his Government upon our heart. The First thing that will be awaken when Government come upon our heart is INTIMACY.

INTIMACY IS A PRODUCT OF GOVERNEMTN – That is why when a man ceases from the place of intimacy, the lesser God can have or exercise government upon his heart.


The Kingdom of God

Matthew 6


The acknowledgement of the Father – Presence we begin to sense his presence. The presence of the father is activated

Mind you, there are many metaphors for which God is described. It’s a description because God is a spirit. The highest form for which we can interface with God and have an authentic relationship is that of ABBA. Meaning Father

Because in the Garden of Eden the bible says that God made man, the initial function of Man

Man did not know God as father. Infact the capacity of man to now God as Father was not given to him

  • WHO ART IN HEAVEN– His Dominion is activated –

The bible says our citizenship is in heaven. Fellow citizens of heaven. Abraham looks for a city who’s foundation and builder was God

The Cities who builder and founder was God. These Cities are God microcosm in the whole Cosmos: The 7 ECO SYSTEMS THAT HAVE THE FOUNDATION OF

  1. HEAVEN – In the beginning God created Heaven and earth
  2. THE EARTH – The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there off Psalm 24:1-2
  3. EDEN, – God planted Eden
  5. THE CHURCH (ZION) – Ye are come unto mount Zion, the city of God
  6. THE WORLD – as it pertains to ( Understand that satan is only the God of this world). Scriptures shows us that there are many World. Hebrews
  • HALLOWED BE THY NAME – The essence of His glory as it pertain to Worship  is activated. Worship is a product of Government. It is not a product of Good music and keyboard. Though they are good. They are only enhancers and channelling instrument by which we are aided to access the divine but thos on their own and good music does not necessarily constitute worship.   So we have these instrument

There are Harps in heaven –

Revelation 14:2

Revelations 14:14

Revelation 15:2

  • THY KINGDOM COME – The King and his domain or his dominion. If I cast out devils by the finger of God then the kingdom is come amongst you. There are indicators of Kindom manifestation. The Church is first and foremost KINGDOM. It was delegated the Kingdom responsibility.

Mark 16:17-18 – And these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall

  1. cast out devils,
  2. They shall speak with new tongues,
  3. They shall take up serpent
  4. If they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them
  5. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover

This morning I declare a recovery in Jesus name

  • a. THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH – The true will of God is know when government is awaken upon our heart. Do you redeemer the scripture that says, he that love me will be loved by my father and we will come and make our abode with him. That scripture is both a now reality and prophetic in nature because as we become awaken to the reality of the Kingdom government, he awakens out heart to his desires, he awakens out heart to his will.

Be sensitive to your heart desire in the place of prayer and after prayer because that is where he awakens his desires. The Tarmac of the Spirit and his desires are furnished and expressed through your heart.

That is why the scripture tells you guard your heart with all diligence because out of it are the issues of life. The outflows, where God flows from

b. AS IT IS IN HEAVEN – When the government of God is awaken in your heart you’ll understand that heaven and earth is not by distance. The travel mechanism is revelation. You can dwell in the two dimensions at the same time. The measure between heaven and earth is by DIMENSION. They are only different by a dimension. Revelation is the metric for measuring the distance between HEAVEN AND EARTH.

And if we talk heaven we are talking about the heavens of Heavens where the father dwells. For he dwelled in the heaven

Psalms 115:16

Deuteronomy 10:14