
The Mystery of Languages

For He that speaks in unknown tongue speaks mysteries

Mysteries of Language By Apostle Isaac kingsley abban kwofie

Fri 06/05/2022 23:42Unknown 0:00
is being in the mind of God, to have these people. And these people will speak one language, they will be identified by one language. And so when he came to the Tower of Babel, and he saw that these people were building something that was, according to the pattern of what he had had in mind. This was they were building according to a pattern, because the Bible says that they will speak in one language. And it was a language in God’s mind, he had something in mind that typifies that. And when you saw the Tower of Babel, and the Tower of Babel was built based on the language because of the language of these people. And guess what, in the New Testament, we build based on the language. That’s why he says that building yourself in your most holy faith, like an edifice, like a structure, so in us in the realms of the spirit, our language builds our language edifice. It builds like a tower. This is what God saw in the times of the Tower of Babel. And in his mind, it was like, he was going to create a group of people that speak a certain kind of language. And that language is the language of tongues. So Jesus came and identified his face, and these signs are full of them that believe in my name, they will, they will cast of devil, they will speak with new tongues. It was this new tongue. It was a people who were coming on the scene on on the horizon, who speak a certain kind of language. And that language was the mystery of tongues. And so whenever we pray in tongues, God is delighted that his dream has been fulfilled. That he is, is building according to the pattern of what he had in mind.

Unknown 2:31
And not what baby was. Baby was a demonic structure. That the enemy was trying to give them a language,

Unknown 2:44
according to God’s pattern. But God had a different mind. It was that his people would speak one language, and by that language, they will edify they will build the city that they will build. This is what I’m saying. That the Lord is whenever we pray in the Holy Ghosts, it was his like, this is what I’ve always been looking for. People who would speak my mysteries back to me. That’s why it says if we pray in an unknown tongue, our spirit pray speaks mysteries back to God. And this morning, we want to declare mysteries back to him. Oh labo secret avala body Aponte credulous. rodilla Safaga Tonia. The next few five minutes varies upon anglais K scope le frati comma Nakia course fin account Accra de la carbone, Dr. Lisa polar Hatami Bristow Villa Mumbra Bella cotta. Shanda Baba Baba Baba Korea monarchy. Beloved crypto scam NF Alam. brocco Palladius. Sunda Pranava Lala Mumbi men they Procore Tala Mang la carta. The Rosu separately Billy Kameena. As we bring the Holy Ghost we confuse the enemies. We confuse the enemies. We confuse the enemies Urraca la carta de la foto de we confuse the enemies. We confuse the enemies. We confuse the enemies, the enemies of Allah this morning. Father we confuse the enemies of our soul. We confuse the enemies of darkness. We confuse the enemies of our destiny. We confuse the enemies of our lives. We confuse in the name of the Lord Jesus. We confuse in Monterrey Katie Vera super speak with new town with new tongues, speak with new tongue. Read COMM And Bruce coffin and Baraka Liza, proscribing belong like Monty phenomena. Speak with Newt Oh ma ro Katana Mumbra Delhi’s Nick This is the season to birth new tongues in a name of the Lord Jesus. The season to birth a new town bomb Morocco man mascot Phillimore membre ki Scoparia Pontyclun mo stellia Bamboo Cusco la cumbre de luz New Town, time to speak with new town. He said they will speak with new town, this is the refreshing waveform they will be refreshed with new town they will speak this is the refreshing and when new town they will speak Zabo Kota Zabo Kota Ruffin Mr. Baraka taka imbricata Mmm ni Mendola Bose Sol De Pere dilemma in a mask Rene Mina. This is an indicator of personal revival that you begin to speak with new tongue Melaku for activists make time and lift to a new dimension and new level Manrico madness Kupala practic availa kandalama Rakuen tele when we pray in the Holy Ghost, we are prophesying. We are defining the God we are declaring his glory. We are building our so SAPA we are shutting ourselves up in the most holy faith. We are staring out selves up in the love of God Manrico man on telly, he said this signs of follow them that believe in My name they will cast out devils. They will heal the sick they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover when they drink any deadly thing it will not hurt them. And oh god rabbits 70 And oh god do we speak with new tongue that will speak with new town that we speak with new total indicators of got your revival raka Tala Tala Bella BOMA men, not Cumbre Ancilla. That is why the church began speaking with new town, it was the building of the Holy Ghost, the building of the spirit, the building of the Spirit, not the building of the flesh, not the building of the physical, but the building of the spiritual in the name of the Lord Jesus, as baybel Was that which is not the physical, the church is that which sought the spiritual, as baybel Was that would serve the physical and godless stroyed baybel because of the language India unity and building the edifice. God builds us, but our language recalibrates

Unknown 7:31

Unknown 7:43
tongues of angels

Unknown 8:02
tongues of men

Unknown 8:37
there is the langue of faith.

Unknown 9:19
when God xalled Abraham he gave him a language. its is this language that we now jnow as the hebrew tongue. this was to create a cuvilization for and of a group of people who are of faith.

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