
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

In The book of John 14:26 John Introduces us to the 7 MINISTRIES of the Hly spirit

  1. The Helper
  2. The advocate
    The Teacher
  3. The comforter
  4. The Intercessor
  5. The Stand by
    The counsellor

In the Old testament Isaiah Introduces us to the 7 SPIRITS OF GOD, which is the 7 manifestations of the spirit of God

isaiah 11:1

  1. The Spirit of The Lord – HIS LORDSHIP
  2. The Spirit of Wisdom – THE WISDOM OF GOD
  3. The Spirit of Understanding – THE UNDERSTANDING OF GOD
  4. The Spirit of Counsel – THE COUNSEL OF GOD
  5. The Spirit of Might – THE MIGHT & THE STRENGHT OF GOD
  6. The Spirit of Knowledge – THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD
  7. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord – GODLY REVERENCE

All of them function to make you of quick understanding – This can only be found in the KJV – Isaiah 11:3


This is the school of the spirit

  1. THE WITNESSER – John 15:26 & 27 When the advocate shall come, he shall bear witness of me
  2. THE QUICKENER, John 6:63 – It is the spirit that Quickeneth, Psalm 80:8 – So we will not trun away from you, revive us and we will call on your name
  3. THE DOER – John 14:10 Jesus said, the father that dwelleth me he doesth the works
  4. THE SACTIFIER – 1 Peter 1:2 – elects according to the forknowledge of God the father, in sactification of the spirit for
    Gobedience and sprinkling of the blood
  5. THE TESTIFIER — Act 20: 22-23 – And see now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem not knowing the thing that will befall me
    except the spirit testifies in every city saying Chains awaits me
  6. THE ANOINTER or THE EMPOWERER, He that has anointed us is God, 2 Corintians 1:21 , Act 10:38 How God anointed with the Holyghost and Power
    The anointing you have received abided in you, the anoiniting himself shall teach you.
    Acts 1:8 – Ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you
  7. THE BAPTISER , 1 Corinthians 12:13 By one spirit are we baptised into one flesh , it is the spirit of God that baptises
    us into the body of Christ and thats why the bible says, the spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are sons of God

Anything you find in addition will be classified under on of these headings


the Spirit of God bears withness that we are sons of God

They went every where praching, the Lord bearing witness with Miracle Signs and Wonders

In the Book of Act we can see that the apostle were given one particular task

and that was the task of Witnessing. Being witnesses which was a directly ministry of the holy spirit.
How do we knwo this, from the preceeding scripture, Jesus said You shall receive power to Witness

I pray for every minister, worker, deacon that this year you shall receive power to witness

spirit was giving to make us witness

Act 1: 8 ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come up you to be witnesses

Mark the word witnesses. this is the original ministry of the Holy Spirit.

He bore winess to the word of God. The genesis of Genesis is not Genesis Chapter 1 but John 1: 1

The mark of a true witness is that he’s able to produce evidence when he’s called upon. Why because you know him who is from the beginning
He’s at work in you and you are at work in him

Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself beareth witness that we are sons of God – “Summertureo” meaning to produce evidence

In the bgining was the Word.

The greatest aspect of the Holy Spirit the Lord wanted to reveal to the Apostle who were initially
his disciples was there he had the spirit of the record bearer.

the Spirit of the Lord


  1. he bears record
  2. He produces evidences
  3. we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ, john 2:1

the ministry of the advocate (parakletos) is that he defends you in the courts. in heaven there are courts

  1. He brings you summons from courts of heaven
  2. a legal assistant in the court of heaven
  3. he makes intercessions for us according to the will of God, sometimes its not our prayers necessarily that is doing the job but
    you’ll know that you’ve invoked the ministry to the advocate ( your legal representative)

The Holy Spirit is your legal representative in the court of heaven

another instrument that hes the capapcity to represent you fully in the court of heaven is the blood of the Lamb

  1. the Power of your words ( they over came hime by the word of their testimony), what you say may or may not give the
    spirit of the Lord permission to adjudicate on your behalf


John 6:63 Jesus introduces us to another ministry of the Holy Spirit, and he said it is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profits nothing

And so he gives us a new perspective of who the spirit is again

that his words that he spoke were as a results of the function of the Holy Ghost The QUICKENER

And so if your words are going to be potent as a child of God in changing any situation, it must take on the
characteristic of the quickener. This is why the Bible say, let no corrupt word or commnication proceed
out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may ministrer grace unto the hearers

Let examine some of the characteristics of the QUICKENER

In the garden of eden , man was only a living soul

it is only in the new testament after the resurrection of Jesus when man was now delivered from the bondage of curruption
through the new adam that man had the possiblity of becoming a LIVING SOUL OR A QUICKING SPIRIT.
And that was made possible by the QUICKENER, The holy ghost

  1. He VITALISES – Romans 8:11 – But if the spirit of Him, that raised up Jesus from the death dwells in you
    He that raised Christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you.

Mostly the effect of this spirit is felt from the inside. Ezekiel 2:2 & Ezekiel 3:24

He may begin from the outside but his effect is greatly felt from the inside

A word of Causion and I believe its a rightoeus cause from the Lord – The messages you hear every morning from Bishop, myself, Evangelist Martha, and other ministers comes from the Lord,
Do not listen in the monring and go and watch facebook and drop all that you listen in a second for those of you
that have itchy ears and eye that want to hear and see all the slashing and rumors on the internet

What we are giving you is the inspired word of God. And bishop does well to bring it to you daily.

  1. He MAKES ALIVE – John 11:25 Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believe in me though he were
    dead yet shall he live and whoever lives and believe in Me will never die