


So his first his first attack was in the wilderness to see what was in him. He says, If you bow to me, I will give you this. If you worship me, I’ll give you that. If you throw yourself now, it will be you’ll be picked up. All of these were were things that he said just to see and to find compatibility. Yes, his essence was to see the actual what was the fabric he was made of? But he realised that he was made of the Word of God. And so the only thing that came out of him was God’s word. Then he came back and says that it says the enemy cometh the enemy cometh, but he has nothing in me. And so if he comes in in find compatibility within you, or within your soul, within your heart, then he is now found something that he can who call and feed from and so every, every time he throws that thing, he knows that he will get you. Every time that he wiggles that thing in front of your eyes. He knows that you will get you if his preaching opportunity that you desired for every time you wait that thing on, you will not even seek Him. You just pick it and say yeah, I’ll go. Do you see and that is why, when men knows you as that, this is when they wiggle things in front of you and see if you will bite. If you see you by that’s the trick of the enemy. Is that is that is the oldest trick in the book. Because the enemy does not know you. The devil does not know you. what he finds is what he waves at you and what hooks what stays what attract. It doesn’t know you fully. He will wave things, opportunities. He will wave things up before you to see what what product is compatible and is based on what you hook up to them. He knows Oh, he has a hook. And the purpose of that is to bring you into His alignment. And that purpose is to take you away from God’s alignment and bring you into His alignment. And that is where we must pray this prayer. And Jesus said Let your will be done. Not my will. He was praying the prayer of alignment that his heart will be aligned with the purpose you will only go where he has to go and it will stay away from what he has to stay away from. That our heart will not be the grounds for manipulation our heart will not be glow grounds. Wet the enemy will find compatibility is when he’s found compatibility. He’s at home with you now