

For In Christ neither Circumcision nor uncircumcision amount to anything but a new creation

THE REALM OF RIGHTEOUSNESSIisaac kingsley abban kwofieTo:

  • You

Fri 06/05/2022 23:42Unknown 0:00
I would like to just enter the word of God this morning. So I like staying on this. So let the man of God just go ahead and share now is so fancy, so great. What a privilege What a joy God’s spot in your words of magic word that proceedeth out of this morning on presence on the sub cortex. God I pray for every one to eat for your time with thank you that platform seek out ways to say

Unknown 1:16
God bless them with

Unknown 1:18
a word man thank you for the zebra Christ

Unknown 1:42
pagan Kumon feed Bible makes us

Unknown 1:55
words, as you receive pasta is the word of God this, God bless you.

Unknown 2:10
Man, man, thank you. Thank you very much, sir. Thank you, Bishop. Thank you for those Press. Thank you for your encouragement, thank you for success. Thank you for standing by the man of God, thank you for all that you do for the Lord. Thank you for your encouraging words. Every time you send a message, you send a word is encouraging. So thank you. Thank you for all the ministers on the platform, the word that you share the powerful revelation that you bring to our heart every day. It’s amazing, incredible. And you are a gift to the body, indeed, your gift to the body. And I want to thank every one of us. Thank you, all the brothers and sisters that have gathered this morning, in the morning just to seek the Lord. The psalmist says, Ali will I seek you? Ali will I seek you in that, that shows that the kingdom is your priority. It just shows that you are you understand the kingdom and the operations of God. See, when Jesus said is seek first the kingdom of God

Unknown 3:45
and, and his righteousness. And all other things shall be added on to you.

Unknown 3:54
You You’ve been brought into the seeking realm where you are seeking tangible things relatable things of heaven. And that is what God treasures the most is what God treasures the very most. Remember the story of Mary and Martha and Martha had been busy about so many things. She was busy on so many fronts doing so many things that that counts so little, even though in her eyes. It was so many so much. But Jesus recognised Mary, he says Mary you Mary has found something great, that will not be taken away from her. And what was that it was that she was sitting under the Word of God. Hearing from the man For the master, hearing from the Word of God, there were times that people will come to Jesus sit down, and just listen to the Word of God for three days, having forgotten that they’ve not even eaten. And that is the that is the encounter. There was so desiring, oh, pressure Jesus. Can you imagine Moses being in the presence of God. And all he was doing was to receive the, the commandment, the word of God. He was just sitting in the presence of God, receiving the Word of God. And the Bible says that, after those 40 days of this receiving hearing the Word of God, hearing the Word of God, hearing the Word of God, he says that Moses Waste Not that his face shines, he wished not, that means he didn’t even know that there was a new level of glory that has been be quoted to him. When it came out from the presence of God, when it came from the presence of God, the glory had so transformed him that there was a shining light that was beaming out of his face to the point that the people could not look at his face. He could not look at his face. And so they put a veil on his face. And all he was doing was receiving the Word of God. And that is the transformative power of the Word of God, when we hear it, it is doing something in our spirit, that physically we cannot say. But within the context of our heart, there is a glory that is being deposited on a daily basis in some time, I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but sometimes someone will say, oh, there is this thing about you, I cannot say, but there is this thing about you. There is this thing about you, I cannot say I cannot put a finger on it. It is the glory of God, hallelujah. It is the glory of God. They may not be able to explain it. They may not be able to put a finger on it. They may not be able to give articulation to it. But you know what it is? It is the glory of God. Hallelujah. Thank you, father. Father, we give you praise. We give you glory. We thank you this morning, or we come before your presence. We humbled by your word, and by your Spirit, Lord. Lord, we ask in a name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that this morning that you give words, that you unveil your mysteries that you give understanding. In a name of the Lord Jesus you sir, it is given to us to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. And so let the volumes be open. Let the seals be broken, in the name of the Lord Jesus, give us insight into revelations give us insight into the mind of the Spirit. He said this EA the spirit such as the deep things of God, the Spirit such as all things, even the deep things of God. So Father, we ask that you bring us into the depths of the spirit, bring us into the depths of your Holy Spirit of God. And let us know the things that God that is being hailed from the foundations of the earth. In the name of the Lord Jesus as pertaining to the kingdom of God. In Jesus mighty name.

Unknown 8:47
Amen. And amen. And amen. Glory to His Name forever Hallelujah. Hallelujah in the book of Acts chapter one Jesus before His ascension He sat down with the apostles for 40 days to talk to one he sat down for 40 days so act Chapter One is the mirror we’re going to be partners today. If that’s okay, thank you. So active to one this read from 122321123 If you can read for us, that’d be wonderful if you are engaged this is Audrey Uber to read for us if

Unknown 10:36
this trade, performer account and made over the life of all that Jesus began off to do and teach, until the day in which he was taken, after he he through there had given commandments to the apostles, who had chosen to be chosen to be also represented himself alive, after he’s suffering by many infallible fools, being seen by them during the 40 days, and speaking of the teachings, as before, the things pertaining to the kingdom of God,

Unknown 11:16
wonderful, so that for the days that he had with them, he was teaching of the things concerning the kingdom of God.

Unknown 11:26
He brought them dimensions, Revelation, things concerning the kingdom of God. And some of these things have not been being written for us. Some of these things, the download that Jesus gave to the apostles, some of them we, we didn’t see, for example, James was killed. James was one of the apostles he was killed, but he would have been part of this conference with Jesus. You see, lots of lots of things have not been written, because the Bible says that if all the things that Jesus did were written for us, then the books will not be enough to contain all the things that were written for us. See, if all the things that Jesus taught them, however, even though there’s a missing component of that, we have been given the the Holy Spirit so that we don’t lag behind in the things that Jesus shared with these apostles, that some of them had been missed the by the Holy Spirit, we can still peep into the things of God, concerning the kingdom, that things of the Spirit we can still have an understanding of the things that God wants us to understand. The Bible said that for we have not received the spirit of this world, but we have received the Spirit from God that we may know the things that are freely given to us. Hallelujah, you have been given the Spirit from God. That you may know the things, you may have perception, you may have understanding of the things that are being given to us freely by the Spirit, and by the Holy Spirit. God exposes us into His economies. By the Holy Ghost, we can explore God, we can explore the realm of the Spirit, we can explore the Holy Ghosts, we can explore Jesus, we can explore in the kingdom of God, we have been brought into a vast kingdom that we have divine expository ability to explore the things of God. And the realms of God is exposed to us.

Unknown 14:03
How much can we go with God? How much can we? There is so much in in God, there is so much in the things that we can explore. And yesterday, we began sharing on the seven mysteries. And we we only touched on the mystery of wisdom. The mystery, wisdom also is mystery. So we touch on the mystery of mysteries. And we have the we have the that Christ had been made to us. Our theme scripture was first Corinthians chapter one verse 26 to 30 And we said that the crisis made to us wisdom has been made to us righteousness has been made to us sanctification has been made to us redemption has been made to us life he’s been made to us glory he’s been made to us crucifixion crucifix if you taken baby any notes down, so the wisdom the Scripture reference was first Corinthians chapter 124 and Colossians chapter two verse three. For righteousness of God, just give the Scripture reference but today we just gonna look at the realm of righteousness and the realm of life. So the realm of righteousness and the realm of life. Hallelujah. So, if you have your Bible with you. Let’s go to Romans chapter 10, verse 16. Romans chapter 10. So Romans chapter 10, verse 16. Romans chapter 10.

Unknown 17:03
Verse 16, they have not obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed our

Unknown 17:13
oh sorry six 610 610 10, six Romans 10, and six.

Unknown 17:33
But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way. Do not say in your heart, who I said, that is to bring Christ.

Unknown 17:43
Hallelujah. The righteousness of faith speaks on this. So we’ve said that the the seven mysteries these are ambition added to it. These are the the there also dimensions that God brings us that once we receive the we receive when we get when we got born again. We were brought into Christ. And Christ was brought into us. And we’ve already explained that we are in Christ and Christ in us. Bible says He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. So now you have become inseparable from him. You are now one spirit with the Lord. Okay. So you are in righteousness and righteousness is also in you. It is now the nature of God that is in you. Okay, righteousness is the nature of God that is in you. When you got born again, you have brought into the realm of righteousness. In Christ Jesus, you’ve been brought into the realm of righteousness and we will talk about the The Economist within righteousness. But you’ve been brought into this realm where you have no partaking of the nature of God. You have now been brought into the realm that you have now partake in the nature of God. The Bible says that, that we have partaken we are partakers of the divine nature. In the book of pillar, he says we are now partakers of the divine nature. We are associates of a god kind. We are particulars of the divine nature haven’t escaped the corruption that is in this world. So when you want to give what transpired is that you were delivered from corruption. You were removed far from corruption. And the Bible says is a huddling been born again, not of corruptible seed But of the incorruptible, by the Word of God that abides forever, you have been brought outside and you’ve been brought into a realm where there is no corruption. When there is no corruption, your spirit has been perfected. The Bible says that coming onto we’ve been brought into Mount Zion into the midst of perfected spirit. You’ve been brought into an economy of perfected spirit of just men make perfect, and onto the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, hallelujah. This is, this is what happened to you when you got born again. And the righteousness of God was imparted to your spirit. The righteousness of God was giving to your spirit. You received of God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus. And easy that nature was not possible outside the realm of Christ. That nature was only a it was only a gift attributed to those in the Old Testament. And just as we read about Abraham, Abraham received the gift of righteousness. It was a gift that God gave to Abraham. But it was not a nature. It was not a nature that God gave to him. It was a gift. The Bible says, Abraham believed God, and it was accredited to him, it was accounted to him for righteousness. He only received it as an act of obedience. But now as a child of God, you have been given the nature of righteousness, it has been imparted to your spirit. And that righteousness makes you a partaker as brought you into the compendium of God, where you can you can exhibit the same quality, the nature your nature is now the nature of God. You have the very nature of God on the inside of you.

Unknown 22:38
And this was not possible. until Christ came unto Christ was made manifest. unto Christ Cain, no one could be made righteous. And that is what the Bible says in Second Corinthians chapter, chapter 517. Is if any man being Christ, he is a new creation. The reason you are new creation is that that creation has the righteousness of God in part to His Spirit. Not only has he been made not not only has he received the righteousness by as a nature, but he has also been made the righteousness of God My goodness, you have been made the righteousness of God you have been made the righteousness of God. Second Corinthians chapter five verse 21. Second quarantine to define this 21

Unknown 24:03
Second, delete destructive viruses turn around. So he read him who you will seem to be seen for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him

Unknown 24:14
that we might become your version says we might become we might become the the old King James the Old Kingdom says that we might be made it for he had made him to be sin. Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God. So just just take a look at yourself and just They say, can you see the righteousness of God, you have been made the righteousness of God, the righteousness of God personified. personified, you have been made the righteousness of God when God looks at you, he sees the HIS righteousness. Yet he sees Audrey, he sees Tapiwa he sees glory, He sees. Sheila he says, Cateura, but, but outside the name, that God may know your name, there is something he seen, he’s looking at the righteousness of God. He’s looking at his righteousness that is visible in Christ in the context of Christ. Your identity is only as in Christ Jesus is only as in Christ, your frame of reference must always be in Christ. Your frame of reference must only be in Christ, your identity, in Christ, your nature in Christ, he had made him to the sin, who knew no sin, that you know you that you might be made the righteousness if you’re taking no, the the making of men, the formation of men, and the creation of men are three different phases that God put man through. The creation of man, the formation of men, and the making of man are all different phases that God put everyone through. But now you have been made, hand hand crafted in Christ Jesus, you were handcrafted. Hallelujah. You are handcrafted. And this this very beam that you have become in Christ Jesus. This very being that you have become in Christ Jesus is now operational. When you understand the person from whom this nature came from. When you understand the person from whom this nature came from, then you you’re able to your position rightly, to take advantage of the realm that you have been brought in. So we’ll define righteous and righteousness is we know righteousness as the, the nature of God. That gives us the boldness

Unknown 28:09
and removes the sense of inferiority when we approach a girl, okay, it gives us that boldness to be able to approach God and that was made possible in Christ Jesus. But righteousness also is that Nick nature of God, that ability of God, that makes him right all the time. Okay, it makes God right all the time. And the Bible says that God cannot lie. It is impossible for God to lie. He says, Let all men be lies, but let God remain true. That nature of God that makes him right all the time. And that is why we can count on the Word of God, we can base our life on the Word of God, we can bet our life on the Word of God and believe in take it to the bank that this is the word of God. And that this is why the pandemic should not change your perspective of who God is. The pandemic should not change your thought process about who the father is. Because the Bible says that He does not change he’s the same yesterday, today and forever. God does not change. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Whether there is pandemic or no pandemic, virus or no virus, God sees not to be gone. He is the same. His principles are the same. His nature is the same. Economies may change, seasons change. People may change. circumstances may change, but we serve one who is an unchangeable changer, he is the same. That nature of God makes him the same. Hallelujah. So you’ve received the nature of righteousness, and by this righteousness by this nature, which is now in Christ Jesus gives us shows us a few things. What righteousness is Hebrews chapter one, verse eight Hebrews chapter one, verse eight is go to Hebrews chapter one, verse eight.

Unknown 31:08
Be sure to add on to the sun, as a title, God is forever and ever. A scripture of righteousness is the scripture of IQ.

Unknown 31:21
So, so, the sceptre of righteousness is the symptom of the kingdom of God. Righteousness is a sceptre in the kingdom of God, a sceptre is that by which a king will rule, a king rules by sceptres. See, so, that nature and that gift that you’ve received from God, when we take our place, with Christ, in the heavenly places, is that scripture we’ve been, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, is his, it will be theory in your mind, until you begin to exercise the sceptre. And that sceptre is the sceptre of righteousness, that the righteousness you have received as a sceptre in the realms of the Spirit and in the kingdom of God, and that sceptre rules by decrees I think I’m running ahead of myself that sceptered that you have received, that righteousness you have received that is a sceptre in the realms of the spirit and a sceptre is the the authority by which a king rules and rules and in Revelation one six, the Bible says that we have been made kings and priest, this is only possible within the framework of of the Christ and I hope that the Lord will give you understanding money

Unknown 33:26
Yes, excuse me for a second. Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, okay. Okay, sorry about that. The sceptre of righteousness, in the sceptre

Unknown 33:47
in the kingdom of God, you have been given his righteousness, and you’ve also been made his righteousness in him, and that righteousness gives you the ability to, to execute judgement with God. To sit with Christ in heavenly places, you are seated theoretically you are seated,

Unknown 34:17
but you you are seated with Him. In Christ Jesus that sceptre that sifted that you have received, right? We begin to exhibit that sceptre when we take our place with Christ in the heavenly places.

Unknown 34:55
That scripture we say in the heavenly places should not just be in our heads. But it should flow in our heart. As you flow in our heart, that every time you, you begin to pray, understand that you are taking your place with Christ in heavenly places. And that that, that authority, vote for which you’ve taken your place in the heavenly places, gives you the power to rule over circumstances. It gives us the authorization to execute God’s judgement over circumstances. When you are decreasing when you are, you are declaring and you are decreasing, you are actually exhibiting authorization over circumstances you are subduing circumstances, that nature of righteousness is what but by which Jesus could command things to change. By which Jesus could decree the wings to end the wings obey. It is that nature that gave him the authority? The power, yes, is operated by the anointing, yes, he operated by dimension, but understand that the child of God the Bible’s you have been brought into the realm of sonship, Jesus would be young, the things that some some of the things he did was not just limited to the operations of anointing it was operating as sonship. And righteousness bring you into that realm of sonship. When you begin to rule with God sonship you see, there are, there’s three realm for which every every Christian stands, there is the realm of sonship, there is a realm of of kingship, that there is a and that there is a realm of priesthood. You’ve been brought into these three realms, sonship, priesthood, and kinship. You’re a son, you’re a king, and you’re a priest, according to the Scriptures. And so, there are things that Jesus did that were they, because he was a son. And because you are a son, that nature righteousness has made you a son, a son that you can rule with God. You stand with God, you operate with God. This may be high for some, but bear with me, it is the truth. This is the truth. The Bible says that we have been made kings in priest revelations chapter one, verse six, onto God and to his father. Second Peter, chapter two, this first bit of chapter two, verse nine, is that we have the royal priesthood,

Unknown 38:12
a peculiar nation a peculiar nation. So you are a priest, you’re a son, and you’re a king.

Unknown 38:27
God had this is God’s mind, concerning you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. This nature of God that you have received. You know, sometimes we may think God is you know, far big away from us in the galaxy so high. You know, and we’re here. So, little, somewhere in the corner. But he says, I will not leave you nor forsake you. He is with with you. He is with you. He says I will not leave you nor forsake you. That you may boldly say, The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man shall do unto me with that nature that you’ll receive, out to come the consciousness of the presence of God with you. That nature of God is He that nature of God attracts the presence of God towards you, the divine forcefield towards you and that is the truth. That is the truth in a try the presence of God to what you it qualifies you To receive of the presence from God, it qualifies you to walk in his realm. And this was only possible by the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the appearance of the Christ, without Christ. All these realms is not open to us. And someone may be saying right now, besides it was this wrong got to do with me. It’s got to do with you because you’re a child of God. And you must know it. The Bible says that My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. Destruction only comes when there is lack of knowledge, lack of revelatory knowledge. But God wants us to be exposed to his role. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, in righteousness, or just round round up righteousness, but in righteousness. The righteousness has a economy that that Rome of righteousness has different economies, the operations of righteousness is different from the operations of the mysteries. All these mysteries operate differently. There are principles that operate these mysteries, but the the mystery of righteousness in Christ Jesus exposes us into different economies. The number one economy that that righteousness exposes us to is the economy of peace. The economy of peace, the righteousness exposes us to. And we can see that in Isaiah chapter 32, verse 17. Isaiah chapter two verse 17. Book of Isaiah chapter two, chapter 32, verse 17.

Unknown 42:32
Isaiah chapter 32, B 17, the work of righteousness will be peace, and the effects of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.

Unknown 42:43
The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the fact of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. So the very first economy, the economy that the righteousness exposes us to in Christ Jesus is the economy of peace. That means that when Jesus said, My peace I give you not as the world gives, it is within the framework of his righteousness. And that is why no man can no peace, except in Christ Jesus. And that is what we established yesterday, that if God if a man asks for something from God, what the answer and the response of God to that man is that he wants given Christ. And the Bible says that it is not his design that any man perish, but all should come to the knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ. And so what God expose the man to is Christ, He wants you to the knowledge of Christ, because it is there in that knowledge in in that economy that his peace emanate from and until you understand righteousness, your rightness with God, and the place that the nature that God has brought you into, you may not understand the peace of God, you may not have the peace of God, your heart is always in in a Disturb mode. In a Disturb mode, you are not at peace. You will not have peace. And for some, that you are on this platform, that you are not at peace. It may be in any area of your life, you are not at peace. But today by no road of righteousness, with decree peace over your life, in the name of the Lord Jesus. You’re a child of God and you deserve the peace of God. And we decree peace in the name of Jesus, the same authority by which Jesus decreed Let peace peace Still, over the stones that emanated from the nature righteousness about which he was born to commend peace, the same bonus we commend the peace of God. In the name of the Lord Jesus. We speak peace even in your mind. Speak peace in your heart, peace in the family. What does not mean peace? In the name of Jesus we decreed peace right now. In Jesus name, Allah see Francavilla has giver along lay scoffing among law Husker Farnese Mina Mumbra vase Eros K fairy Eema Oh stay Faria, Mo CV Ma, aime a kuliah setif en de clase de ver menageries de Ambrose Giovanni stay, prefer Barra ALESTORM si profound tequila Mumbra Haley atta ver not Komamura V stop Ella half brand name in his in Maine in Maine on for Ebola Husky Vabre de la masky ferry a canal stuffy Imam Bravo’s siliceous stuff antichi liberals to fibia in brass toe menace, fam bruh bola ASCII fellas prefer Nia Tala coma Husky Fei Mei ma, ma, ma, ma, Sally ki Carboni ESCO Farleys de Ambrose the very ILA crusty Femi Attalla su frenemy nasty limos suffer at the loss, lay massive retailers lay massive retailers pay look at us for our main master. Para kata. Yes, yes, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Yes. Um, your piece says the law. Um, your piece says the law. Yes. The piece that I give that no, nothing in this world can give. I am your peace. I am your peace. Have I not said that in all things by prayer and supplication? let your requests be made known to me. That the peace make Garrison your heart and minds in me says the law

Unknown 47:30
says the law. Therefore do not be troubled. Let your heart remain fix. Let your heart remain fix. Let your mind remain fix for I keep you in perfect peace, that your mind is stayed on me. I keep you in perfect peace. But your mind was stayed on me. Let your mind be stayed on me. But the concerns of the world. Do not mingle with the concerns of the world. But set your affections on things about set your affections on things up the spirit. Set your affections on things above. Set your affections on things pertaining to the kingdom set your affections on things that my spirit said your affections on me and I perfect my peace within your heart, within your mind. And within your spirit. says the Spirit of the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, father. Thank you, Lord.

Unknown 48:48
Holy Spirit. Thank you. Molly Crucifer, Attica Molossia. Libra Kouvola man see, the effect of his shabby peace. The effect of righteousness shall be peace. The effect of it shall be peace. The work shall be peace in the fit shall be quietness and assurance for ever.

Unknown 49:21
Assurance forever be assured in your heart that He loves you. Be assured there is someone here that you are not sure. If you die, you’re going to heaven you’re not sure.

Unknown 49:48
And because of that you are disturbed all the time. You’re not very sure. I want you to Just right now I want you to lift your hands. I want to pray with you before I carry on.

Unknown 50:05
You are not sure there is such agitation in your spirit, you’re not sure of your salvation. You’re not very sure. You’re not very sure there is such disturbance in your spirit. There is such a dictation in your spirit. I want you to raise your hand quickly. Maybe just one. But quickly I want to pray with you. Before we go on to the realm of life quickly, quickly, if that is you, I want to pray with you. I want to agree with you. A disturbance in your spirit

Unknown 50:50
and disturbance in your spirit and instead disturbance in your spirit. I’ll just wait for 10 seconds is 10 seconds if it’s not, no one raises their hands I’ll carry on.

Unknown 51:13
Like he suffered double hasI make Allamanda for the Bahasa Mundi Broco, villainy montonius. Some Aman probbaly memberi basic ulimate Julie Brock. Talia sobre activity. Rico Sokoban Omantel Yes, Mandy brocco valid among Talia Mumbra V sicula Mumbra Husker family. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Thank you, Father. We give you praise we give you glory. So we’ve we’ve already shared that the economy of peace is one of the economies that that nature brings us into. Then the second economy that this nature brings us into is the the economy of judgments. Okay, the economy of judgement. First Corinthians chapter one. First Corinthians chapter two verse 15. First Corinthians chapter two, verse 15. It says, But he first Corinthians chapter two verse 15, why was it into this 15 years

Unknown 52:56
that he will his spiritual judges own things, yet he himself is rightly judged by law.

Unknown 53:04
It says He that is one

Unknown 53:07
he who is spiritual charges, all things

Unknown 53:10
he that is spiritual judges all things.

Unknown 53:14
Okay. yourself is ready just by normal.

Unknown 53:18
Yes, but he himself just is judged by no one. Okay. And the reason why he himself is, is judged by no one, that does not mean that you will not be judged. That just means that it the Bible said if we judge ourselves, then we will not be judged. Okay, we will not be judged, why judge yourself because that spirit of God within you, helps you to check keep yourself in checks and balance. So that you are able to adjust yourself because of that nature that you have received. When you do something wrong, that nature pricks you and you are able to come into alignment quickly with the Spirit of God outside that nature, then you will not rightly align with God. So that that Nature keeps you in check that you are judging yourself for time and that is not that is outside the realm of self condemnation. Okay, the enemy will bring condemnation, self condemnation. Okay, that is different. And the Bible says that, that there is no more condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. So if you use to condemn in yourself, Christ, there is no condemnation in Christ that is of the devil. Okay, that is a practice of the devil. So every now you condemn yourself, that is the practice of the devil, and you must end that condemnation. You must end that captivity Voice of the darkness of the voice of darkness away from you, and received the voice of God that brings peace. So fast. He says that the the spiritual man judges all things. That is the economy for which righteousness exposes us to the economy of judgement. And that’s why I say that the righteousness is the foundation of his throne. Righteousness is the foundation of his throne. And God rules by he judges by righteousness. It is by the nature righteousness that God judges. Okay, God only judges by righteousness. Hallelujah. He, that is the run for which he judges. And so we have been brought into impro, Jesus, to partake with God, so we can judge with him. When you pray, and you begin to decree things, in prayer, you can judge things. Okay, and I believe I’ve shared before, when we are when Jesus said, You will cast out devils. It is a part of the judgement system of God that has been deposited to us, Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. And so when we partnered with what he came to do, we can add, there is a delegation that has been given to us that is be coded to us, as a church, to be able to execute the same judgement that God executed from the foundation of the earth. And that judgement system carries on through the church, it carries on with us. Okay, that’ll do so righteousness gives you the ability to judge in Christ Jesus, that nature, you’re able to judge with God, he says, the spiritual man judge at all things. You are you, you are a judge. I don’t know if I can, I could say that to you.

Unknown 57:35
But those who can hear, hear, you’re a judge in the Spirit. You may not know it, but you are. This is what right? This is what is made you

Unknown 57:52
judge with God. When we say that we are set up with Christ in heavenly places. When you take your place in the heavenly places, you can judge and God rules God rules would decrease. God rules would decrease How does go through with decrees. And the Bible says you will decree a thing and it shall be established. And it’s time for the church to come back to the place of decrease. Come back to the place of decrease. decree and rule with God rule with God that nature. Rule with God. Rule with God decreed things coming to the realm of decrease. It is your nature, it is wrong in God. And I want to give you this nugget. Anytime you sense the presence of God. When either you’re having fellowship with Him, or you’re having you know, a time good time within you sense the presence of God strong. Begin to decree things. Decree, the Bible says that the righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise. It speaks. It brings you into the economy when you begin to decree. It speaks he says since we have the same spirit of fee, I believe therefore hereby spoken we also believe and therefore we decree therefore we speak I decree or CKP or raseiniai Oh I just since the glory of God, the power of God right now. I sense that the Spirit of God right now. Begin to decree begin to decree Let the muzzle come off and begin to decree. God has made you a judge and, and a ruler, you a judge in your family. You may be a husband, a wife over your children begin to decree over their lives. Begin to decree over your your finance, beginning decree over your church beginning decree over your territory, beginning decree over your workplace, beginning decree, decree things you’ve been brought into the realm, and that that realm of righteousness gives you the ability to decree things, and it shall be established. Jesus said that up until now, if not X anything, he says X that your joy may befall. The asking is not, Lord, give me this know is a decree as the king you ought to decree things. You are a king. You’ve been brought into the realm where you rule with righteousness, the set of righteousness, that righteousness gives you the ability to decree just as God decreed from the foundations of the earth. It says to our decree, the decree today hereby begat indeed, Thou art my Son. Today have I been caught in the when God decreed that that was it. He had become a son, when God decreed and so that is why when you receive Christ, Jesus that decrees goes forth. The same decree that went forth for Jesus is the same decree that goes for you. You are being brought into the realm of decrees, when you rule with God. He said, We have been we’ve been raised with Christ in heaven places, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. What heavenly places does, God is judging the nations when he judges the nation, he looks for a man to judge the nation. He Jack them to look for a man to judge. If he wants to judge your family, he looks for a man to judge don’t see judgement just in the negative. The Bible says God judges the nation. Judgement is only the nature of God is that that seat by which he executes his reward system, the reward system of God is the judgement system of God. And when we say that we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ. It is not just so that just phonetic negative known God judging the judgement of God is both for reward and for the punishment. You see, it is both two ways. It is for good. When God begins to see stopped seeing judgement as negative. The judgement of God is the reward system of God.

Unknown 1:02:56
Or the reward system of heaven. Hello, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. My goodness, we’ve not even talked about the realm of life. You’ve not shared the realm of life. But I’ll touch quickly on the realm of life. Decree, brothers and sisters decree. God rules by decrees. God rules by decrees take your place and begin to decree things

Unknown 1:03:55
began to speak things you have been created in the image of God. That nature is that image of God. And when we talk about image, it is the, the manner the form the the replica that God sits on the throne. And what God does, he speaks that is why around the throne I bring you a revelation and an insight. The Bible says around the throne is thundering like men and voices. These are the three things that surrounds the throne. This is a mystery. The three things that surrounds the throne is the the around the throne when John was given a revelation around the throne, he says that around the throne where thunderings there were voices, and they were lightning. What do you think that these surrounds the throne? Because when God speaks thunders. When God speaks, lightning goes forth around the throne is the, the voices. And so it’s a child of God, that you have been seated with Christ. You’ve been brought into a place where you have a throne in the realms of the spirit, oh, goodness. I hope God will give you understanding to this. You have a throne, in the realms of the Spirit. And how that you must take your place and begin to decree. Whenever you decree and things, you are taking your place on the throne, you are seated with Christ. You are seated with Christ on the throne, glory to God as you begin to decree and as you begin to declare, hallelujah. And for the next few minutes, I want you to open your mouth and take your place as one that is seated with Christ in heavenly places, and just begin to release decrease this morning. I want you to decree just decree over your family. Decree what you want to see over your children. Some of you haven’t decreed anything. He said all the devil the devil decree, you haven’t decreed anything. It’s time for you to decree. It’s time for you to decree. Just open your mouth and just begin to decree over your family. Decree what you want to see on your finances, beginning decree what you want to see in your body, begin to decree what you want. And when Bishop left the confessions, these are decrees. These are decrees that he’s bringing out from the Word of God in your as you say, I’m the child of God. He goes into the realms of the spirit. Demons hear that you are a child of God and you don’t mess with child of God’s hallelujah.

Unknown 1:07:29
Lift your voice as you begin to pray the Holy Ghost and decree what you want to see. Begin to decree what you want to see lift your voice. Unmute lift your voice or bring my session to a close lift your voice and just beginning decree begin to decree labour see for Kavala Husky night. Monday friend Amanda caseta lasta Vanbrugh Valley ski Philly angla hosco frenemies Z county frenum in a Cantelli mouse Mumbra vez Sokka. Tallis, it kelia membrane Maccabeus Come on. Let Your Voice decree decree peace in your family. Decree health over your body decree that your children are standing out that no sickness can touch them. No disease can touch them in the name of the Lord Jesus decree. Mariela Correa SCO Fela Mumbra. Belize Capella Renda Baba Borja Schofield, a man tackiness man different men in a concealer my man bro Kuta lemon securitize and bro scapula. Perea Kuta LM NC Vanbrugh ko manana man silay a bro Koto si tra DECA power who’s given me my mom Roku Pelita camera Huska Velyka Diaz di Villa Mumbra belly Skinner, Monty club name of seakeeping technically lay aside a burner Susa, frenemy and accountable. We decree in the name of the Lord Jesus, we decree health in our bodies, with decree in the name of the Lord Jesus with decree peace of our minds with decree that our children in the name of the Lord Jesus, oh is great is there peace with decree, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, Garrison the hearts and minds with decree in the name of the Lord Jesus, the light all around? In our family we decree salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus in our family, we decree in the name of the Lord Jesus. Come on, let your voice begin to decree. Let Your Voice begin to decree. In the name of the Lord Jesus, take your place and begin to decree. Decree. Decree released the decrease in the name of Jesus. Mankato suffering Amina. It says usually a decree a thing And they shall be established for you. have boldness because you’ve been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. decree in faith speaking, decrease, decrease don’t let pandemic change your mind. Don’t let it change your heart decreed mercy fella,

Unknown 1:10:27
even if it takes us longest decreed because it’s God’s word is it your voice His Word will not return to you void but it shall accomplish in the name of the Lord Jesus. Oh Allah ma secret interfaith Ayahuasca Vamo Mumbai Bay escapee Lika Valley ski Tam. Yes, Jan De Pratibha la cifra T furlong, la hosco vannamei Jakob Bronto, followng Lakita lemony salah, Mumbra de Scoparia, punti crannie, Manas and Bravais Salah Mang Lucky’s Cove areas, and bracovirus righteousness gives you the ability to decree things in the name of the Lord Jesus BARKEVIOUS. See for Nina, a decree peace in my home or decree peace in my mind, peace over my body, peace, in my spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Everywhere I go and decree the favour of God is working in the name of the Lord Jesus our decree? No, the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places I decree and the head and not the tailor I decree in the name of the Lord Jesus. Everywhere I go, blessings are lined up for me. I decree in the name of the Lord Jesus. There is favour everywhere I go. I decree the hand of God is working for me. I decree in the name of the Lord Jesus. Oh that greater receive that is in me that he that is in the world. I’m working in glory working in grace is working in power. What can India normally working in the blessings of God in the name of the Lord Jesus, I decreed light in the name of the Lord Jesus. over every darkness. I release. And I decree the spirit of the living Christ is a work in me. I decree in the name of our Lord Jesus doors are open to me. I decree in the name of the Lord Jesus, that money is navigating to me. I decree that finances are golden in the name of the Lord Jesus is navigating towards me in the name of the Lord Jesus a decree over your business. Decree over your job. Decree over your children. Decree obey your Firelands decree in the name of our Lord Jesus, that you are your chosen you are separated in the name of the Lord Jesus a decree lift up a decree in the name of Jesus. Lift up a decree ma raka Tala sekolah Mumbra belly stir. Mandy Proko Vela mantle yes barangay Scafell among lace. Para Kuta La Mina, sun Sunday Brennaman and amante around local scapula, a Braco Falon tech EOS Runda Baba Bo sicula membre Jagadeesh belong Loku ski Villa man tequila umbra, Manon Bravais ski Villa Kalia, Scopa MACUSA frenemy menang, Lacan top Elysee see for DECA Podolski, very frank take any men Nakamura Bella Supra TV ship rose Cafe para Scrivener, Mantegna, Mei Nakamura beggarly stir pelaku I bring to Villa calm Baba Baba Supra Tilly, Chef home see for de commandlets Umbra dos shall among Lakita membre de Sala mongrel Zhang Bravais skip elica dharnas and prefill a cupola Cafe Shimpo subtractive kamanga as Cafe Shakra de Sala manga Qatif any a production Sevilla aunty Kana yup hombre is given a decrease in the name of the Lord Jesus, that the powers of darkness cannot touch. My families cannot touch my children. I speak in the name of the Lord Jesus, I decree and walking in the light of God, the light of God’s Word In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I decree peace in the name of the Lord Jesus in my family, I decree for salvation in the name of the Lord Jesus. I decree salvation. I decree in the name of our Lord Jesus, those that are connected to me I decree the protection of God. I decree the security of God. I decree in the name of our Lord Jesus. I decree come on Send for the Word. The Bible says he sent on His Word and delivered them and brought them out of your destruction sent for the word out of your mouth. Send it for out of your mouth.

Unknown 1:14:43
Mara kala Mangla Cascadilla man Talia Mandy Proko velella man sia Sunday printer Mila comm Tamia recomb Dalaman Ananias yet Katana Mumbra Vega de ricotta Allah Mumbra Vega di Yun dabba Baba Baba, Rocco tele membre Vega Delia yandell Allah Allah wa CKT yen bruh Villa Zappala Conte Shanti pronominal brocco tiene la cumbre de ganja Bala suffering Amelie belongs young different Amina Molly Saimaa on for Cambay Scapy parofsky villa cateye. May number compeltely. Support fatalis your Cumbre Valley semana tandia Manda for name many key Anglo Koshka verify their raka bhambri Belize Scylla membre villa, Rondo Lobo, Santee Brennaman and a ma CK Milan Rockenfeller cacti I’m Bray Valley Scarponi aka Bantay Shere Khan different in many Contai Randall amo su sephra naman Na, and Baba Baba Bo seafreight Bella Skagway Minang los Cumbre Vega de today you are decreeing you’re ministering to so you’re sending words, your decreeing May Allah Cobra de Villa CANCER GEMINI manda Freeman and they can tell him in Ilia Rocco Tala Mumbra Vega della minis in brought to Salah Mumbra vaca Taya and my Mama Mama Mama Su, n da ba ba ba ba ba ba CK Umbra Kula activity Z Proko for life. Embrace Kevin ama Melaku Asti embrace ski Philokalia Tom Baran 70 Ambros Kobe bear Qatar’s Zama, M Barracuda LM enemy recommed all about some different Eminem a con selama racconto talabat Santee ProAnimator becomes Scylla my man only a Squaw Valley, Malanga ESCO Valley, Malanga ESCO, valley, Milonga ESCO Valley, brace, Coverity, Cassie kita, run Dolmabahce Sefa lemma a decree, in the name of the Lord Jesus, the life is working in me, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I decree that no demonic operations in my life, in my family, in my territory, in my region, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Every satanic agenda is aborted In Jesus mighty name of my family of my children in the name of the Lord Jesus over my finances. Over my marriage, I decreed in the name of the Lord Jesus, I decreed the help of God, I decreed in the name of the Lord Jesus, the Lord, that the help of God is accessible to me in the name of the Lord Jesus. I have God on my side, In Jesus mighty name, if God be for me, who can be against me, um, I decreed the help of heaven at my disposal in the name of the Lord Jesus. And I declared Baraka Ba Si free. Mandela, Baba ba CK embro scutellum anima Sakata main Fleur de cobre city, a call Amanda Lamia, a decree that are walking the light of God’s Word In the Name of the Lord Jesus. Oh, thank you, Father. Thank you, Lord. We give you thanks, Father, we give you praise. We give you glory and killer. Oh, thank you. precious Holy Ghost. Thank you Baraka Bella. Sunday print limited Vidya rica dabba dabba Bhavana man 70 Men different Amenia Russky Vinod add mas Sunni men different Amana devious thank you Father thank You Lord. Oh Glory to His Name forever Glory to His Name forever. There are many times Jesus will say let it be done according to your faith let it man prophesy according to the proportion of his faith and in decrease your prophesying hallelujah in decrease your prophesying hallelujah. Oh, thank you, Father. We give you thanks we give you praise. We give you glory. In Jesus mighty name. Oh, hallelujah Barca Silva. I just hand over to Victor Bishop. This is this is how you get you online instead. This is how you get your spirits. Decree things decree decree. Decree there is no there is no limit to what you can decree in decrease you taken off the limit from God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Unknown 1:19:45
So bring it to a close. I just want to handle that to be sure. My llama see camera. So just want to hand over this moment to be sure Let the Thank You, Father thank you Amen Praise or eg what a powerful revelation there that we’ve been receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit easier right now. And I can assure you even as we making confession this morning, I want you to do this deep down in your spirit know that this morning you’re standing on the promises of God’s word justice the man of God us saying that we’ve been made kings and priests onto the board to make declarations so as we make declaration declaring a situation situations no matter whatever situation he’s at your circumstances I don’t care whether they’re big brothers and sisters, your age this whatever it is, I don’t care whether it’s sickness or disease, or even buy lunch or whatever it is a situation can someone just just make that one? circumstance demons in hell theory that’s your circumstance. circumstance, no matter whatever the devil is going to take. You see, the word of God is very clear of that. Be the book of Romans by the Bible says in amplified classic 17 robots by 74 if because of one’s rain into that much more slowly with those who receive God’s overflowing and merited and they’re freaking of righteousness, watching them into the right standing with yourself. There’s a range of skills through the one man, Christ Jesus. So you you go ahead this morning is a phrase quite In the UK

Unknown 1:46:26
here’s a question, when do I consume my apple cider vinegar drink. So let me just finished our video on that a lot of people like to do it through meals, which is totally fine.

Unknown 1:47:15
I like to do it this morning, sometimes I’ll do it at a meal, sometimes I’ll do the morning, sometimes we’ll do both. But in the morning I’ll do about 16 ounces of water. Two teaspoons of outside of vinegar, I use Bragg’s, you could pretty much use any try to do organic. And then two teaspoons of lemon for your organic lemon juice. And sometimes I’ll do a little bit of sea salt and dissolve that in there. Simply because when you’re on a low carbohydrate diet, you’re going to dump a lot of water, you’re not going to have the volume of water you had before, which could trigger low blood pressure if you don’t have enough volume of fluid, because it’s the salt that holds the volume plus the lack of sodium because you do lose electrolytes on a ketogenic diet could create some muscle weakness as well as what’s called keto flu. All this could be remedied by a little bit salt, basically a little more salt when you’re doing keto, like one teaspoon a day. And if you’re doing high carbohydrate diet, you don’t want to do even that much, okay, because you’re going to send you know, cause you to lose fluids, because this is the drink that I like to consume. So the outside of vinegar will help the digestion helps blood sugars. It helps reduce hunger, cravings and have that it’s a great transition tool as you’re doing keto adaptations into fat burning a lemon is really good to prevent kidney sounds, that the type of stones that are more common with a ketogenic diet is the uric acid stones. Okay? Because uric acid does go up a little bit when you’re on keto, but this is really related to PII page. So in other words, if you keep your pH a little bit higher, you’re not going to get this uric acid. So if you have strips, you can measure your urine, you want to keep it six to 6.5. In 6.8, that’s perfect. You don’t necessarily want it five if you have a predisposition to kidney stones, or gout. A little tip there and the way that you would handle that is the Lemon juice helps and also helps us potassium citrate, which is alkalizer and all the vegetables that you’re consuming. Another way to slightly raise the pH to make it slightly more awkward is to add the raw wheatgrass juice powder to it and a little shaker bottle, shake it up. Some people mix both of them together. So there’s different ways and if you’re concerned about having higher levels of uric acid, which doesn’t really happen to a lot of people, but it can happen is actually more common when you have high carbs. In a diabetic they’re their risk factor for uric acid uric acid stones and other types of stones really high. So anyway, when you take it, take it in the morning or with meals. Thanks for watching. So we’ve been getting a lot of success, but I don’t have your success story yet. So click the link down below a post together. So there’s different ways to handle the pH if you’re concerned about having higher levels of uric acid, which doesn’t really happen in a lot of people, but if you can’t happen is actually more common when you have high carbs. Because look at a diabetic there, their risk factor for uric acid and your uric acid stones and other types of stones. It’s really really high. So anyway, when you take it, take it in the morning or with meals. Thanks for watching. So we’ve been getting a lot of success for it, but I don’t have yours.

Unknown 2:03:00
If you are struggling to lose weight and secretly want to escape from the prison of fat, then you have to see this now,

Unknown 2:03:06
Dr. Lam a whistleblowing Doc,

Unknown 2:03:11
you call it doesn’t matter, I’m not gonna put words out there. But they created these kinds of proteins, we don’t want to take it out. That’s kind of like taking the juice of a fruit out and drinking it without the other enzymes and the fibre, we always want to keep it a whole state. So first of all, if you are drinking apple cider vinegar, you have to have it with the mother and it should be organic, and it should be raw, we got that straightened out. Now, the next thing is that when we drink this apple cider vinegar, we do not want to drink it from the bottle or a straw. Unless it’s diluted. I’m going to say that first. And I’ll come back to that later. But there are some different things that you need to understand that you don’t want to do that can actually make conditions worse because there are people out there that are going to say I drink apple cider vinegar and I get burning in my stomach or it doesn’t agree with me, I get nausea. Just hold on. I’m going to try to help you with that in just a little while. But first, let me go over some important things. That first of all, we drink this one glass of water to one tablespoon, or two teaspoons, or one teaspoon. Now a couple of three teaspoons equals a tablespoon. So if you’re going to start out, start on one teaspoon, see how your body reacts. A lot of people will start off on a tablespoon because it will say take a tablespoon three times a day, or one to two teaspoons. So start out on a teaspoon. You’ll thank me because sometimes think about this. Imagine how toxic your body is right? Now you’re trying to like run a marathon when you never ran before when your body’s toxic and you’re trying to put in such good stuff in your body. Now, your body’s reacting. You’d say Oh, I can’t I can’t take that stuff. Let me tell you something. You got to start slowly.

Unknown 2:05:03
Morning? First of all No nothing yet nothing yet. Only One another Yeah How you doing? Good good because they can’t back out we also see that as well? Our software decisions about Jews Standing at this only one person