
The Government of God

For unto us a child is born and the kingdom shall be upon his shoulders

THE GOVERNMENT OF GODIisaac kingsley abban kwofieTo:

  • You

Fri 06/05/2022 23:40Unknown 0:00
The man of God this morning in Jesus name. God bless you man of God and you take over right now. Let’s use Thank you. Thank you. Good morning to you. Good morning to success. Good morning to all the ministers on the platform. Mr. GODWIN Big shout out to you. Evangelists Martha, Reverend Gabrielle all the ministers on the platform. Greetings Kingdom Greetings and blessings to you. Thank you for the opportunity to share this morning. Thank you to all the the brothers and sisters all that up gathered all around the nations. Indeed, distance is never a barrier in the kingdom of God. We serve a big God. We serve a mighty God. So thank you for joining in this morning. And the Lord will meet every one of us and our point of needs. In Jesus name. Father, we thank you this morning or we are ready. A heart is ready law to receive your word. You said laying aside every superfluidity of naughtiness that would meekness receive the engrafted word of God that is able to save our souls. So Father in the name of the Lord Jesus, Lord, we lay everything aside to receive the engrafted word of God that is able to save our soul. precious Holy Spirit of God. May you be heard spirit of Gil, may you be heard? Speak your word. In the name of the Lord Jesus. feed the hungry. Let our heart to God be fed this morning. In the name of the Lord Jesus release your manner into our spirits law. Law let the hungry go failed. Let the thirsty go with the thirst quenched. Let the one that is asking for questions Spirit of God let the answers be released this morning. In the name of the Lord Jesus Father, we praise Spirit of God let your press be set free today. And Lord we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus. Lord, would you set foot your reign once again? Would you send foot Your grace once again? Would you send foot your power would you set foot your spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus? Lot to authenticate your word about the Holy Ghost. We give you thanks. We give you praise and we give you glory. Thank you for your presence. In Jesus mighty me. Thank you, father. Thank you, we love you law. We love you. We love you for all the things that you have done and all the things that you continue to do. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. This morning, I have just one one recording in progress. One prayer burden on my heart and that prayer burden. I believe that after this session after we share the Word, we will go into that prayer burden

Unknown 3:47
that the Spirit of God is laid and I’m excited about what we are going to share this morning. Because this this spirit of God just put it there and he wants us to learn from his word he wants us to share and upgrade in our knowledge is the word of God. God given us His Word so that we can have upgrades. Every time that God every every morning we gather and we received the word of God. There is always an upgrade. He says that the Word of God is given for doctrine for correction for reproof, that the man of God make the fit for the work. That man of God may be thorough for his work. And when we check the word fit and thorough, it means upgrade so that we can have an upgrade. So in your Christian walk and in your walk with God, there are times that you you are due for an upgrade and God will begin to upgrade your knowledge. It begins to upgrade even when you’re praying in the Holy Spirit. That the tongues that you pray. There are times you realise that the Spirit of God will begin to give you an upgrade. And so if you have been speaking in the same town for five years, 10 years or you know even a year then you have to believe God for an upgrade. Because the the high things of God are within the upgrade. When the Spirit of God begins to upgrade your knowledge in him begins to increase and upgrade you in the things of the Spirit. Even though that posit is out one do our outward man perish, yet our inward man is renewed day by day. Our inward man is going is receiving an upgrade from the Spirit of God. And when you pray in the Holy Spirit from the sun, one of the key of receiving of grace from God is that when you learn to pray in the Holy Spirit, when you pray in the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God gives you upgrade. Hallelujah. You begin upgrade in the things of the Spirit. Hallelujah Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus. See, right let’s go into our scripture this morning. You see, we have our Bibles. We have our Bibles. We can open our Bibles to second Corinthians chapter 13 Verse 14. Second Corinthians chapter 13, verse 14, this is a very popular scripture that we all know. Very popular scripture. Second Corinthians chapter 13, verse 14, so I’m gonna ask for a volunteer volunteer buddy James or sister Betty. Anyone can read for us. Will be wonderful.

Unknown 7:21
Oh, great.

Unknown 7:22
Okay, just a copy one. Sure. Go for it.

Unknown 7:27
Second, Corinthians chapter 13. Baseball team. Yes, great. Reach one another. You can Holly cheese, all the same. Reach the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit. Be With You.

Unknown 7:48
Amen. Amen. Amen. See, that? That’s our closing remarks. That remarks the we close service with you know, we, we pray and we close here with it but um, this is this is far from a closing remarks. This is a revelation that God gave to Paul. It says that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit is is a Paul is introducing us to the trinity of God, the Triune God, and he’s showing us that every one of these ones have a role to play in our work with him. That grace is of our Lord Jesus. Christ, the love of God, that the love that we have towards God and for God is furnished from the Father. The Father is the source of the love and that the communion of the Holy Spirit that we have been brought into Koinonia with the Spirit of God, you and I have been brought into when we got born again, and when we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. There was something that happened and something that that transpired. We were brought into an active service and active Koinonia with God and active fellowship, and is a fellowship that can be felt, a fellowship that can be known, a fellowship that is tangible, not something that is superficial, but we’ve been brought into a fellowship that is real and authentic. And that fellowship is backed by the blood of Jesus is a fellowship that has been consummated in Christ Jesus. You see, is a fellowship that has been consummated in Christ Jesus. And so the description this scripture is telling us the role that each one has in the lives of all of us. In the life of all of us. Easy. So Grace came back the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace came by the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, from the Father and the Holy Spirit responsible for communion. And throughout the Scripture, the Scripture is replete with the the reasons all the the different ministries that we see, we say that the Old Testament was the dispensation of the father. Then Jesus came was his dispensation. Then the Holy Spirit, we are now in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. You see, the scriptures for example, say that the the reason why Jesus came it gives us background as to why Jesus came. why Jesus came. And if we go through the pages of the scriptures, we can see different in various reasons why the Son of God came the ministry of the Son of God, that we can see what he came to do. And if we know what he came to do, then we can, we can take advantage of what he came to do. If we know what the Spirit of God in us is doing, then we can take advantage of the ministry of the Spirit of God in us. If we know what the father is doing, then we can take advantage of the ministry of the Father. We can see who is responsible for what and in the realms of the Spirit accuracy is very important and accurate knowledge of God posted so that we may know that precise knowledge of God, we will we may understand the accurate knowledge of God. So look, look 1910 gives us a reason why Jesus came. He says, the son of the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost. See, he came to save it to seek and save that which was lost is one of his reasons and so if we know that Jesus came to save that, which was lost, we can major we can stand on that and believe God for His salvation through Christ Jesus.

Unknown 12:49
If we know according to certain contents 519 It says that the for God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing to us our trespasses. You see, but what reconciling us back to the Father, then we can stand on that word and know this is what Jesus came to do. And we can enjoy that reconciliation that he brought. We’d see John 1010. He says, I came that we may have life and have it to the fall then we know that through Christ Jesus, we have eternal life. We have life, that God has brought us life, and that life is accessible through the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, or through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. John 317. Have you read from 16? Is it for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life? See, so we’ll say should not that means that it is illegal for one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ to perish. It was a sovereign declaration of the Almighty, that Anyone that believes in this one, his son should not perish. Hallelujah. So these are some of the things that are responsible for Jesus is responsible for Okay, there are things that the Father is responsible for. There are things that the Holy Spirit is responsible for. We read first John three, eight first, John three, eight first, John, three, eight first, John, three and eight where is it? Is John Yep.

Unknown 15:22
He was saying is off the table, or the demo is seen from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Unknown 15:39
See, so that’s another one of the the reasons Jesus came and so if you know that the Son of God is responsible for destroying the works of the devil. Then you can based on that knowledge, you can expect a manifestation from the Lord Jesus Christ, to destroy the powers of the devil. And so what why am I giving this scripture? I’m doing it’s just so that we build an understanding of who is responsible for what you see the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. God has given all of all all of them to us. Okay. We go to rep will not open to Revelation, but Revelation one six, shows us that Jesus has made us kings and priests onto God and onto his father. Through the blood of Jesus, the blood that was shed He’s made us kings and preached. So there are many things that Jesus came to do and are things that if we knew we know and understand what he came to do, then we can stand based on that to expect a return on that which is already rough. Okay. But Jesus is not our subject of this course this morning. I just said that to build on understanding that all the trinity of persons within the the Trinity have divine responsibility to us. But this morning, the subject of our discourse is government. Government. I’m talking about government and the why the the Holy Spirit was given to us why God gave us the Holy Spirit, or why did the Holy Spirit come? We’ve read from the Scriptures that Jesus came for X y&z All of these things. But also there is a reason why that God gave us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, the purpose of the Holy Spirit. Yes, when we receive the Holy Spirit. We speaking in tongues, which is wonderful, one of the blessings of God. And if you don’t, we just pray that you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. etc. But the ultimate purpose is the enact. We read in the book of Act, that the Holy Spirit was given in the day of Pentacles. You know, the Spirit of God was given so that the, you know, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. You said, You shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you, and you shall be witnesses on to me both in Jerusalem and Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth. So one of the evidence of the Holy Spirit is witnessing. Okay, but if we read the scriptures, if we go through our scriptures, we would understand that the the ultimate purpose, that God had a reason for giving us the Holy Spirit. There is an ultimate reason that God gave us the Holy Spirit. And that reason if we open our Bibles, let’s go to Isaiah, please, as a chapter nine as a chapter nine if we read from six great our as I told

Unknown 19:56
you it is given as the government Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of government. There will be not upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to order each establishment with charged justice. From that time forward. He is still on the north coast. From this

Unknown 20:40
Amen. Amen. So it says For entourage the child is born on tourists his son is given and the government will be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. See, we know already. Jesus said that I will give you when he was department. He said, I will give you another comfort to another person. See another person just like me. Another person just like me. He looks like me speaks like me, but his role is to reveal me. His ultimate purpose is to reveal me. And the Bible says that, that the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified, and that we have received the Holy Spirit because Christ is now being glorified. And when we read in Isaiah chapter nine, chapter nine and sick, this is talking about the ministry of the Son of God, which we have read a couple of scriptures to so what he was doing when he came to do all the things that he is responsible for. And this scripture is talking about Christ when Isaiah prophesied about him. But how many of us also understand that the ministry of Christ that he was executing once he was on the earth has now been delegated to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is now the one who’s carrying on the ministry of Christ through us. The Spirit of God, Christ is in Christ carries his his ministries in us through the Holy Spirit. And the purpose for which the Spirit of God was given or the reason for weakness Son of God came was to establish the government of God on the face of the earth and I will talk about the establishing the government of God on the face of the earth we’re not talking about in animate beings, we’re talking about animate beings. You and I. is it for this reason the Son of God was made manifest. See, the straw in the works of the of the devil is one of the things that he came to do. It is not all that He came to do. But one of the things that he came is it for this reason the Son of God was made manifest, that he might destroy the works of the dark of darkness, but also don’t count yourself out. That for this reason, the Son of God was made manifest to establish his government, in your heart, and in your spirit. The Bible said, glorify God with your body. Which is God’s. The Spirit of God has now been deposited to carry on the ministry of Jesus, the ministry of the Son of God through us and in us and in Uzziah is saying that onto us this that a child is born and a son is given the government shall be upon his shoulder. When the Spirit of God began to teach me. He said, upon his shoulder, it’s just like, when we say that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, that is not literal. When he said, Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, we we mean the place of authority, we mean the place of power. When When Steven Steven was being crucified, and steep, Steven was being stoned and he looked up and saw the heavens open. The Bible said he said, I see Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father. That is not to say, Jesus, positionally. If you go to heaven, Jesus sitting on the right side, no, it’s talking about the place of authority and the place of power. So in this scripture, when the scripture says that the government shall be upon his shoulder is saying that it will be his responsibility. It is his responsibility to execute this ministry. In the lives of us.

Unknown 25:31
The government will be upon his shoulder. It is his responsibility to carry out into and to release the government of God. So Jesus came to the you’re one of the things that we read, Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God. Which is part of the government of God. He came to establish so that by extension, the kingdom of heaven, my work in the earth and through us, by extension, when we read the scriptures, we have the kingdom of God. And the kingdom of heaven. Sometimes that the writers use the the word synonymously, but they are not the same. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven is used synonymously but they are not the same. The kingdom of God is headed by the Father. The kingdom of heaven is headed by Jesus. You see, but the kingdom of heaven is part of the Kingdom of God. And we, as children of God, we’re in the earth we are part of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is a subset of the kingdom of God. Right let’s go to the Scriptures. Let’s go to the Scriptures. First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 24. First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 24.

Unknown 27:19
When he took over the kingdom to go further, and he puts an end to end all authority,

Unknown 27:29
rebelled again just in 2115 24. Did same same scripture.

Unknown 27:44
Then comes the end, when he did leave us the kingdom to God the Father, when he puts an end to authority and how

Unknown 27:55
hallelujah, then comes the end. When he delivers the kingdom to God the Father what kingdom is he gonna deliver to God the Father since God the Father is the head of the kingdom of God. That means Jesus gonna be handing the Kingdom of Heaven over to the Father. So the kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, are used interchangeably even though they are not the same. And so the church, the church is part of the kingdom of heaven. Of which Jesus is the head. So we are connected to the kingdom of heaven, of which Jesus is the head, but the kingdom of heaven is within the kingdom of God. The kingdom of heaven is part of the Kingdom of God, and the Father is responsible for the kingdom of God. It is the dealings of the Father. The Father oversees the kingdom of God.

Unknown 28:59
Okay. We’re going somewhere with this. We go back to Uzziah. We go back to Uzziah go back to chapter nine in six so we send the the ministry of Jesus, the Son of God

Unknown 29:34
in dimensions and he carries on that ministry through the Holy Spirit and that is what he left us the Holy Spirit is he he left us the Holy Spirit and the reason for his given the reason for giving us the Holy Spirit is is beyond speaking in tongues is beyond. You know, having good feelings when we pray, or having our needs met. The reason for giving us the Holy Spirit. The reason why the Christ came is so that he wanted to establish government upon the face of the earth. So when Jesus began His preaching, Aaron, he the first thing that he began to declare, shows you the intention of God for sending Jesus he says, Repent, he for the kingdom of God is at hand and when we talk about kingdom, we’re dealing with government. When we’re talking about kingdom, we’re dealing with the government of God. And so God has given us His Holy Spirit, so that the government of God can continue with us and the government of God can continue through us. The government of God, but in this scripture, Isaiah chapter nine, when we read the six is a and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called Wonderful counsellor. But there’s that comma there is not even I need to say that respectfully. But um, that comma there is not supposed to be there. It’s a wonderful counselling. He says his name will be called Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Unknown 31:38
Okay, these are the the these are the four aspects of the government of God. The four aspect of the government of God He says his name will be called Wonderful counsellor. Secondly, his name will be called Mighty God. First, thirdly, he will be called The everlasting Father. And fourthly, is the Prince of Peace.

Unknown 32:16
So, these are dealing with the aspect of the government for which Jesus came to establish and that which has been passed. To the Spirit of God to be carried on in the in the lives of the believer in your life in my life, that sin Jesus is gone, and he’s given us another parklet. The power clicks responsibility is to ensure that the the aspect of the government of God carries on within our hearts. It carries on within our spirit, it carries on within the face of the earth. So the first aspect of the government is that its counsel. If you make a note, the first aspect of government looking through the lens of the Spirit is that counsel? Of course we know that the manifestations of the Spirit God has given us the manifestation of the of the Holy Spirit. He is the counsel is the the stand by the teacher, the strengthener, the advocate and all of that ministry, but this is dealing with the government of God. That the first aspect is saying he is in us to provide counsel, devise counsel here, the word counsel here means one who devise plans. One who devise plans hallelujah. So the Holy Spirit is the advisory board of God that has been given to us. He’s the advisory board of God is is our guide you I will counsel you from within if I would counsel you with my eyes, I will guide you. So you have the guide within you have the counsellor within me, and the reason why we have the guy in the council with the aim is to provide is government is an extension of government. To you in you is the government of God and that is why I said my prayer burden this morning is that Lord led furnish your government upon my heart. furnish your government upon my heart. You see when government is operating on your heart you are sensitive to the Spirit of God. You are sensitive to the ways of the Spirit of God.

Unknown 35:13
You are sensitive to the grievance of God. You are sensitive to the dealings of God. You are sensitive to the moving of God. The things that move God moves you.

Unknown 35:29
That’s when government is working in your spirit when government is working in your heart. And because this government has been brought into your spirit and this government has been brought into your heart, you now have access to the mind of God. You can have access to the mind of God would you say what is the mind of God was the No No. God has established His Spirit within you. And by extension, he brings the counsel of the father into your spirit. And one of those Council one of those elements of the council is the inward witness is is one of the elements of the council that leads you on. The Bible said that we know that we know that we are children the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God. There is a bearing witness. These are all part of the structures within the kingdom that God has set up in our spirit that is available to us and that God wants you to know so that you can take advantage of it. You can take advantage of the counsel of God. You can take advantage of the advisory board the advisory board in the person of the Holy Spirit that is within you

Unknown 37:08
that is within us. If we’re looking for advice God has not left you stranded by extension he has set the government within your heart

Unknown 37:27
is about government you can you can let the government be operational or you can suppress that government. The government can be operational or the government can be suppressed. And so that is why the Bible says is grieved not the spirit. Greed not the spirit because why is in you to execute government. He’s within you to execute government to bring the counsel of God through to you. He brings the counsel of God to your spirit to your heart. The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God. Hallelujah. The second aspect of government is might. The second aspect of government is might. He says his name shall be called Wonderful counsellor, mighty God. The second aspect is might where we get strength from what we get power, what we get dunamis is he so when we say this The Spirit of God given to us you know a Pentecost we shall be empowered is only an aspect of the government of God. And aspect of government. This is where we get the word GIBBO that the word might there means Gabor the old breasted one the strong and mighty. You see, so the Spirit of God mix manifests and makes available the strength of God to you. The Spirit of God so each and everyone may be empowered with the Spirit of God. Paul said that you may be invigorated with mind by His Spirit in your inner man that’s an extension of government hallelujah that you may be strengthened would might by His Spirit in your inner man Zama does work began to explain the Spirit of God is in us to provide government he’s his ultimate reason in us and with us is to get to twinshock government

Unknown 40:23
see, and one of the ways that you and I can’t keep our souls in the strength of God. Let’s go to Isaiah chapter 40 Verse 31. Zion chapter 40 Verse 31.

Unknown 41:01
One treats, shop flames and be weary and the young men ciabatta before those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall run they shall walk and not faint.

Unknown 41:24
So so this is the this is the secret to to access and that strength of God. The strength of God is not far away from you. The strength of God is within you. The strength of God has been placed within you it is accessible and that is is provided through the government of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is makes the strength of God available and accessible to your spirit and the key the key to accessing that strength is through is Isaiah 40 Verse 31. That’s the the key for accessing the that aspect of government, the mind and the strength of God is a day that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They do not wait on the Lord. They shall renew their strength. And so do you feel weak? Do you feel that there is no energy? Do you feel that there is no more excitement in God? Do you feel that? Oh there is no more energy ah no time to wait on the law. That government structure is God has given us the things if we only do them. And that’s why the Bible says not be not hearers only deceiving yourself but be doers of the word. So if you feel weak, then it’s your time to wait on the Lord because that’s the way you access the strength of God. He’s made it available to you through the Holy Spirit. It requires us to wait on Him and when you WAIT on Him, I mean you know sometimes you fasted you pray and you feel weak but but as you you wait on the Lord you pray you carry on praying you carry on waiting, you carry on praying, you realise there is a new strength coming and new strength that is welling up within you. You wake up in the morning if you feel there is a new strength. This is not a new strength based on something you’re going to eat. No, you know that you’ve been strengthened by the Holy Spirit. You know there is a strength that you cannot account for but it came from the Holy Spirit from the place of prayer. He strengthens you from within. So Paul said that you may be invigorated you may be filled with mind by His Spirit in the inner man. Another key for accessing this dimension of government is praying in the Holy Ghost. praying in the Holy Ghosts. He says He that pray in an unknown tongue. edifies himself emboldens himself strengthens himself. Paul said be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind. Be strong in the law. When he says to be strong, are you going to be strong? The reason why He said Be Strong is because he knows that there is something in you never said there is a spirit that is responsible for establishing that aspect of government you have access to. So he can tell you be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind. What because he knows that there is a key to the strength of God. That is He that prays in an unknown tongue emboldens himself emboldens himself. He charges himself like an edifice. He provides the strength, the strength of God is within you. He charges himself like an edifice. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord, Allah ma CK. Thank you, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. arama see Villa Mongla Husker vie. Thank you, Lord, no more weakness. Oh, thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, father. Thank you, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank you Lord, that you be invigorated with might. So if you feel weak or declared strength coming to you in a name of Jesus, strength and new strength is coming to you about the Holy Ghosts. You will receive a new strength in the name of Jesus. New strength coming to you as you wait on the Lord new strength is coming to you. As you pray the Holy Ghost new strength is coming to you. You see the word of God was given is given to us sort of weaken practical eyes it

Unknown 46:26
it was given to us not so we read and feel nice no is for doing is for practicality with practical eyes, the word of God. If he said praying Tom, get on your knees and you pray. You pray on to you feel the strength of God coming on the inside of you the strength of God is not far it is within is part of the government of God for which the Holy Spirit has been giving to you. Hallelujah. The third dimension and the third aspect of government is that the the extension of the everlasting Father, The everlasting Father. And what do we mean by Everlasting Father? By Everlasting Father we say that the God is in a space of continuous existence. He’s in a space of continual existence and and the power of this, the extension of this government and shows that you have the presence of God with you 24/7 He’s in a state of continuous existence. This is where we have access to presence. Presence is an act is part of the the government of God the Holy Spirit came to bring presence. So you are here but you can know the Jesus isn’t live in your heart. You can know that the father is alive in your heart. The Bible said that by this we know that Jesus is in our heart Bob the Holy Ghost that is given to us. By this we know that Jesus is in our heart by the spirit that is in us and I pray that you will not lose your love for God and your love for the things of God. Your love for Jesus, your love for the Holy Spirit, your love for the Son of God, your love for presence. Your love for presence. Moses understood that there is an addiction to presence. Oh goodness, there is an addiction to presence once you understand presence and once you know presence and once you have tasted presence.

Unknown 49:05
You keep going back for more. That’s what God does. Presence is is addictive. Except you’ve not you’ve not non presence. But when you have tastes that have the presence of God and that is why after Moses had encountered the presence of God

Unknown 49:36
Yes. After Moses had encountered the presence of God, the only thing he could ask for you see, we read the scriptures and we said, oh, Lord, Moses said, if your presence does not go, you don’t understand why he was saying that. Because the man had tasted presence. He knew what presence was. The presence was addictive. Of May you become an addict of presence. Jesus. May you become an addict of presence. Just as he cried. He said, Lord, if your presence does not go with me, do not sent me from here. If your presence does not go with us, Lord, do not send us away. There was something there was something Oh Lamos see for a humbler Krishna Bala. Hi. There is something that we long for presence, Lord, presence. presence in the spirit of God is in us. Sort of God is in a state of continuous existence, continual existence and we have access to the presence 24/7. This is the reason the Spirit of God is in us is a source of where I am they may be also. This is so where I am the may be also. That is the ultimate reason why you have the Holy Ghost is so the wet the father is you may be also you are in the presence you were born into the presence you’ve been brought into presence. And if you’ve noticed that presence rise up and go for presence. No nothing else matters. Nothing satisfies nothing in this world satisfied. But presence globally. We know your manifest that presence. And Paul, Paul tells us, he says that, that you may you may you may get access to the fullness of God through the Gappiya of God. He says that that you when you understand the lens, the breadth, the depth of the love of God, you may be filled with the fullness of God is a presence is the fullness of God. Presence is the fullness of God and the access the key for access and presence is the love of Christ. Oh goodness, the love of Christ, the love of Christ. He says one we understand the length, the breadth, the depth, the width of the love of Christ, that we may be filled with all the fullness of God Ephesians chapter three verse 18. So the key for prisons, the love of God, as long as your love for God is not cold. As long as your love for the presence of God is not cold is that you will be filled with presence all the time. The key for presence is the love of Christ. The moment the moment the love for Christ dwindles. The desire for presence goes away. Yeah and so there’s any praise the Lord may or not lose the love of God, the love of Christ. Let the love Oh, burn within. Let your Love Burn within stare my love for you every day. Say my love for you SPIRIT OF GOD stay my love for the Word stare my love for prayer. Stare my love for the things of God. As long as the love of Christ is burning within your spirit

Unknown 54:12
your desire for presence will never go away. And presence will always be there hallelujah. The last aspect of government he says the Prince of Peace. Praise of peace is an off the increase of His government and peace. There will be no end.

Unknown 54:46
Then when we talk about peace, the Prince of Peace, then see what is of the increase of His government. And peace there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to operate. The reason why he’s in you and the reason why you receive the Spirit to order you Jesus came into your heart to be Lord. He came into our heart to become Lord and lordship is an aspect of the kingdom. Lordship is an aspect of government for which the Holy Spirit now provides within the heart of the of the new creation within the heart of the new believer that the Spirit of God provides the government so he is the prince of peace. The Prince of Peace. Prince Prince whenever we talk about Prince Prince always deals with territorial. Oh, it is territorial in nature. Prince is always territorial in nature. It derives that’s what we get a principality prints of a polity prints of a polity, polity means to a region an area the word Prince polity is Prince and polity means region area territory so that government is territorial in nature. To God is God is the King, the Holy Spirit. The attribute of the Holy Spirit is that number one the Spirit of God is his kingly the Holy Spirit is kingly in nature. Okay, the Spirit of God is Kinley in nature and he’s governmental in nature. That’s his that’s his nature. We’re talking about the nature of the Spirit of God. He’s got mental in nature. I’ll just bring it to a close he is he and that is why when it comes into your heart, his own His purpose is to reign in our heart. He did not come to to be a corner to be no he came to take over. That’s his nature. He says a prince of peace that is a prince. So the Spirit of God in you is territorial. In nature. He came to take over you and the only thing we can say Lord, I submit to you Spirit of God, is it that’s what the Holy Spirit always demand surrender. He always demand that that’s his nature. It is the nature of the Holy Spirit. He is governmental in nature. Hallelujah. He does not negotiate Hello Hallelujah. And so whenever whenever we pray, we are actually given him the the chance so that he can he can take over territory in us, as it were, because its nature is is territorial in nature. God is a king. He’s a kingly spirit. And that is why when He created man, He says, Let us create man in our own image. Let them have dominion. When God declared that word. It was his nature that he was revealing. He says He made man in the image and likeness of God. And when he declared that it was a declaration of who he was because now man has been made in the image of God in the likeness of God, he territorial in nature to say take dominion, replenish, do all of those things. God replicated himself. Amen. And that’s what the Holy Spirit is calm. And whenever we pray

Unknown 59:41
we are saying Holy Spirit. Enlarge yourself in us, Holy Spirit and large yourself in us because you are territorial in nature. Jesus enlarged yourself in us. You are territorial in nature. I want you to live your voice and just begin to pray. The Lord enlarge yourself within me enlarge yourself in the Spirit of God. For the Bible said he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. Enlarge yourself in us and love lodge yourself within us, Holy Spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus. I brought my my teaching to a close but we’re going to pray.

Unknown 1:00:34
We’re going to pray. precious Holy Spirit. Enlarge yourself in us in the name of the Lord Jesus. precious Holy Ghosts. Precious Spirit of God. A lot yourself in us. I want you to if we can unmute ourselves in the next few minutes.

Unknown 1:01:05
The next few minutes the Spirit of God a lot yourself in us. Is it God if God is gone, he was awakened from within is the holy spirit is within is within you. The Spirit of God is within you. Leymah Supra Kabbalah Cardenas come on lift your voice and let you begin to pray SPIRIT OF GOD Oh thank you for your government in us. This thank him for his government in you and your declaring that spirit of God enlarged yourself within in the name of the Lord Jesus and a larger self within me spirit of Gil and lodge yourself holy ghosts in the name of Jesus and large and large holy goats and large Spirit of God. I live on seafront him in Angley. A large Spirit of God and large a large a large Holy Ghosts a large in the name of the Lord Jesus. A larger spirit within a larger self in me. Marlon Sevilla Countervail Allama sia Libra aku Villa Mumbra basata para antalis Remember Baba Borja, sola membre beggarly us cinnamon telly and large Holy Ghosts in the name of Jesus and large Alia Samina bruh Fela con teleios embrace mega della man ciliata name Baba la Susa friend Amina con teleios membre de la cinnamon tackiness. sopra to velata mine and Brock huzzah Bella Banksia Spirit of God you came to bring government in Lambro falesia See, and Conan skip any Manta nice break Havana man telio Embrey Belize Inala Bala fossa Pratibha lemons iOS mentor friend Emina content lemon Xia Lunda Proko Valemount CKT men both survive Sabina anticlinal Marcia Oh Spirit of God in the name of

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