
How To Grow Your Faith

Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for

Unknown 0:01
See, every child of Gods wants to increase in faith. Everyone wants to know how to grow spiritually and how to increase in faith. But increasing in faith and then the key to spiritual growth is not complex. We can study the life of Abraham. And we can see the key, the ultimate key. You see we are called as children of God to the obedience of the faith. We are not even called to faith. There are several things that we have called to space than is that we are called to fellowship. See, we are called to fellowship. Second thing is that we are called to glory. The third thing is that we are called to Kingdom. The fourth thing is we are called to obedience to the faith, obedience to the faith. The sixth thing is that we are called to his purpose and grace. And the seventh thing is that we are called on to virtue. This is the seven callings of the believer. The seven callings of the believer. But you must understand that the calling to faith and the calling of faith demands a one key ingredient that we don’t hear as much from one key ingredient that we don’t hear from most of the time. One crucial important very key that no one ever speaks off or we hear little about, which is the key and the key to increasing in faith and increasing in our faith. Of course there are different variety of faith or different dimensions of faith. We have the small faith we have the weak faith. We have great faith. There are different dimensions when it comes to faith. But the ultimate key for increasing in faith is obedience growing in faith is the power and the key of obedience. The Bible says that Abraham believed God. That word believed is also I came to the word obeyed God. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him for righteousness is he he became the father of faith. How? through obedience. It is only through the obedience that he increased. And so obeying having a hand that is at the posture of obedience is very important. No one speaks so much about obedience, but throughout the pace of the scriptures, understand that we are called to obedience The Bible said that through the obedience of one man. All received salvation, or Many have received salvation through the obedience of one and the same thing through the disobedience of one all received death. So which side are you on as a child of God? Understand that you are called to obey. You are called to obey. Obey who obey God obey the scriptures. Obey those that have rule over you obey the Holy Spirit. Obey the Spirit of God, obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Obey the sensation, the things that you sense, obey that persuasion of God that is within your heart, obey because it is in the obedience that we grow. What obedience does is that it unlocks us into a new dimension of faith. It unlocks us into new dimensions of faith into high dimensions of faith into great dimensions of faith. Higher levels in God is only attained through obedience. So understand that the key of obedience is very powerful and very powerful. Because we are called just us. We are called on to fellowship

Unknown 5:16
we also called on to obedience. Jesus obeyed go and he became the captain of salvation. The Bible says that he learned through the suffering, he obeyed and that scripture says that the one to whom you obey, you become the 712. So the question is, Who are you obey? What voice Do you obey? What spirit Do you obey? What are you obeying? And who are you obey? Who are you responding to? And obey. Understand that God is seeking for obedience, obedience of the faith

Unknown 6:29
the scripture says that because of some souls disobedience from the words that the Prophet someone said, he said that you you think that offering bent offering and sacrifices is what is acceptable to go bye bye Bible says that it is deemed obedience. God is looking for our obedience

Unknown 7:10
pray that we will have the heart to obey. To obey the directions of the when to obey the directions of God to obey the directions of the Holy Spirit.